
Underestimating their brand protection is a typical mistake made by entrepreneurs. Nothing is more valuable than your brand. The best means to protect a brand is a trademark, which provides protection from copying or imitating your brand.

We will verify whether your brand does not infringe rights of any other parties. This gives you the certainty that the money and time you invest in the promotion of your brand are not wasted.

We will represent you before the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, EUIPO and WIPO both for the registration of your trademark and, as the case may be, in any disputes with competitors.

We watch applications for the registration of competitive brands in order to prevent registration and use of any brands that imitate your trademarks.

Our services in the field of trademarks

  • Research of existing trademarks
  • Registration of trademarks with the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic
  • Registration of trademarks with the EUIPO
  • Registration of trademarks with the WIPO
  • Objections against registration of a trademark
  • Monitoring of trademarks

And what can we help you with?
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+420 776 725 597 s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Kaprova 42/14
Praha 1, 110 00


your team

Your case
will be handled by

JUDr. Jan Bárta

JUDr. Jan Bárta

Frequently asked questions
in the field of trademarks

Why to have a trademark? Is its registration also important for marketing?

Trademarks provide the best protection of your products and services. They make it possible to defend yourselves not only against copies but also any names that are only similar. Moreover, by registering a trademark you tell the market that you want to use the name or logo exclusively.
If any party objects to your registration, you find out in time that a legal battle may ensue. So you can avoid investments in the marketing of a brand you may potentially lose.
The ownership of a trademark is also one of important signs of a healthy company for prospective investors.

What does the trademark registration process look like?

A trademark application is filed for a certain territory and particular products or services (e.g. perfumes, clothes, software development services, all that for the EU territory). There is no such thing as a worldwide trademark, but we are able to tell you the prices of registrations in all countries in the world. After the application is filed, the office carries out a research. If it finds your brand sufficiently original, it will publish the application. Objections to the application may be filed by any third parties. If no objections are filed, the trademark will be registered.

Can I also register a logo that was drawn for me by someone else? An external graphic designer or agency?

Yes, but it is important to have a contract under which you obtain all the rights relating to the logo, including the right to apply for the registration of a trademark for the logo.

Is it possible to verify that a new name is suitable for registration?

In the first place, we recommend using Google and checking available domains. If you do not find any similar name and domain, there is a great chance that it will be possible to register the brand. But we recommend carrying out at least a basic research (we can do that) and assess possible risks before the registration. A bad choice may completely devalue your subsequent investments in the brand promotion.