Software law

High-quality contracts and terms of software use are keys to a successful business in the field of information technologies.

Are you a software company and do you need a software development agreement or SLA? Or do you operate software as a service (SAAS) or digital marketplace? Do you provide platforms (PAAS) or applications and do you need terms of use? Do you use open-source components and are not sure about their licensing? Or do you wonder how to deal with the legendary GDPR or cookies?
We are ready to help you find the best possible solution to any problem.

We will prepare high-quality contracts for you, discuss your business model, and set all your IT business in a manner reducing the burden of legal requirements placed on you to a minimum.

In this field we typically deal with:

  • Software development agreements (waterfall as well as agile development)
  • Service level agreements (SLA)
  • Software as a service (SAAS) and platforms (PAAS)
  • Infrastructure as a service (IAAS)
  • Digital marketplace
  • Software license agreements
  • Open-source
  • Hosting
  • Hardware sale and lease

And what can we help you with?
Write to us.

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+420 776 725 597 s.r.o., advokátní kancelář
Kaprova 42/14
Praha 1, 110 00


your team

Your case
will be handled by

JUDr. Jan Bárta

JUDr. Jan Bárta

Mgr. Kamila Francová

Mgr. Kamila Francová

Mgr. Marie Kejlová

Mgr. Marie Kejlová

Mgr. Michal Jeníček

Mgr. Michal Jeníček

Frequently asked questions
in the field of IT law

We are an IT company that is active in turnkey software development. What contracts with clients should we have?

The basis is a contract for work, and it depends whether a fix time/fix price (waterfall) or agile development is concerned. Based on the type of development, the rules of the business relationship, invoicing, copyrights, exit plan and other matters will be laid out. Logically, this is followed by a service level agreement (SLA) to secure support and maintenance of the work, and a data processing agreement.

We operate a platform, software as a service, or application. What legal documents do we need?

A key role is played by the terms and conditions that define the rules of user registration, operation and, as a matter of course, the price policy. Where premise solutions are concerned, the terms and conditions are often supplemented by a separate license agreement. It is also important to protect the names and logos of own products by means of trademarks. If you operate web applications, you cannot avoid handling the matter of cookies.

We use open-source components a lot. Do we need to address this matter in some manner?

There is practically no software that does not use open-source tools. First of all, it needs to be clarified whether only non-copyleft open-source (BSD, Apache 2.0, MIT and others) is used, then it often suffices to list the components, or whether it is a copyleft open-source where the use in commercial solutions is often excluded.

We have access to customer data, is this subject to any legal rules?

In most cases such data are personal data, and you work with them as a provider of IT services. So you are subject to the GDPR and must have a data processing agreement. Where only the access to a system is concerned, you must have at least a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).